wawa fertility

Shipped 9 months ago

February Roundup

We've been busy in February! There are significant updates across the board.

Clinic tool



  • It’s much easier to upload files to patient records, now. Files shared by the patient via chat are separated into a different folder. File previews are instant & in-browser; there’s no need to download those files to view them.
  • Updated Patient Information page, simpler form - updating the way we generally show forms in our platform.
  • If you’re a member of more than one account, you can swap between them without signing out with our account switcher.
  • Medication linked to a treatment that were dated outside the treatment window wouldn’t show up in the overview. We fixed that.

App 3.9.0

Improved onboarding flow

  • If you don’t have an account, it’s much more obvious you need to set a password. The unified flow caused confusion.
  • If you join via an email link, we link you directly to the clinic, no additional steps necessary.
  • We updated the email to have one clear call to action, rather than multiple options. It’s much more obvious what patients need to do to complete their sign-up.

Community refresh

  • Community got a complete re-write
  • It’s faster and more reliable
  • New onboarding experience to encourage participation


  • Fixed an issue where descriptions wouldn’t display on medications in-app
  • Chat messages load and send more quickly

Download the latest version →

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It makes our day to hear from you - whether you think it's great, or think something could be improved.

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