Recent improvements to the wawa platform and app

We ship frequent updates driven by your feedback. You're always welcome to send it to us via the support chat.

Shipped 3 weeks ago

Blueprint previews

It can be tricky to know what's about to happen when you trigger a blueprint. We've made it clearer!

Shipped 4 weeks ago

A new look for observations

Observations are now easier to review at a glance, with summaries and individual reports.

Shipped 4 weeks ago

Video calls upgraded!

Video calls are now accessible to multiple parties, on web and mobile.

Shipped 1 month ago

June Roundup

We've been busy in June! From tidying up test-results to auto-responses in the chat, we're sure you'll find something useful in June's update.

Shipped 1 month ago

Tasks - team assignments and more

Tasks can be assigned to teams, and templates are more easily accessible.

Shipped 1 month ago

Chat assignments

It's easier than ever make sure that patient conversations end up in the right place.

Shipped 2 months ago

Phone call appointment types

If you're calling up patients, we've made that experience smoother!

Shipped 2 months ago

May Roundup

Our Finance module got a big upgrade in May! We introduced Utilisation, our Xero integration and a number of in-app nudges to save finance teams time.

Shipped 2 months ago

Document upload improvements

It's always been possible to upload documents via the chat, but we've added a more structured way to do so.

Shipped 2 months ago

Send letters to any email address

We've updated patient letters to allow you to add others as a carbon-copy, and also changed the way Stork templates work.

Shipped 2 months ago

Cycle outcomes

We've updated the way you track cycle outcomes, capturing and generating more structured data.

Shipped 2 months ago

Daily digest email 📬️

Keep an eye on your pending tasks from your email inbox with our daily digest email.

Shipped 2 months ago

In-app NPS score and reviews

Collecting feedback from patients about their care should be effortless.

Shipped 2 months ago

Introducing utilisations

Tracking what patients have utilised and billing them appropriately is a tricky task. We've made some substantial updates!

Shipped 3 months ago

Xero integration

Xero is a cloud based accounting software for small businesses. Sync invoices and patient contact IDs automatically to reduce manual work.

Shipped 3 months ago

Egg collection procedure

As we continue to build out our clinical tooling, we've made improvements to our procedures module to better handle egg collections.

Shipped 3 months ago

April Roundup

We've been busy in April! It's been a month of shipping all the little things that add up to a better user experience.

Shipped 3 months ago

The Doctors Laboratory integration

We've added native support for TDL requests directly within wawa.

Shipped 4 months ago

Calendar improvements

We've made improvements to our calendars, both in Outlook Sync and in general function

Shipped 4 months ago

Patient letters

We've extended the ways it's possible to communicate with patients via a more formal patient letter function.

Shipped 4 months ago

March Roundup

We've been busy in March! We released our new Cycles tool and many more improvements.

Shipped 4 months ago

Consent notifications and reminders

Consent signature requests now send an email to everyone, so they can also be completed on a computer.

Shipped 4 months ago

Cycles, follicle scans and semen analysis

We've made significant improvements to our new Cycle view, and introduced Follicle Scans and Semen Analysis modules.

Shipped 4 months ago

Follicle scans

We've made it possible to review integrated scans, and manually input follicle scans too.

Shipped 5 months ago

Outlook Calendar integration

Sync Outlook Calendar managed rooms and resources with your wawa calendar.

Shipped 5 months ago

New app home-screen for patients

We've overhauled the app home-screen to be more engaging, and put the most important tasks you need to complete front-and-center.

Shipped 5 months ago

February Roundup

We've been busy in February! There are significant updates across the board.

Shipped 5 months ago

Patient app 3.9.0

We've improved the onboarding flow so that people don't have to set a password or connect to clinics separately, when they're joining via an invite email. Chat messages have been optimised and it feels much faster.

Shipped 5 months ago

Simplified consent overview

Consents are getting more powerful -- but potentially more confusing. We made some changes to keep things simple.

Shipped 5 months ago

Calendar - day view and more!

It's much easier to get an overview of your day and your colleagues days with the improvements we've made.

Shipped 5 months ago

Flags and alerts

Pin an alert or note prominently to a patient profile so it doesn't get missed.

Shipped 5 months ago

Community refresh

The in-app Community got a ground-up re-write: it's faster and more reliable, with a nicer onboarding flow to encourage people to participate.

Shipped 5 months ago

Add a Blueprint to a treatment

Attach a Blueprint to a treatment to streamline the process of necessary data and consent collection.

Shipped 5 months ago

File uploads

It's much easier to upload files to patient records, now. Files shared by the patient via chat are separated into a different folder. File previews are instant & in-browser; there's no need to download those files to view them.

Shipped 5 months ago

Upgraded note editor, and templates!

We've overhauled our note editor, and added rich templated content. Standardize your note-taking and improve your workflows.

Shipped 6 months ago

Task templates

You're often asking patients to do the same thing, and at similar points during their journey. So we added support for templated tasks, that you can assign to a Blueprint.